
  • Length
  • Type
  • Anaesthesia
  • Hospital Stay
  • Days Required in Istanbul
  • Total Recovery
  • All-Inclusive Cost

For replacing missing teeth, dental implants are an effective long-term solution. Implants provide greater support and show great durability. Implants serve as the artificial root to which new teeth are bonded. They are constructed of titanium, a strong and safe material that is biologically compatible with tissues. The procedure to place dental implants involves three steps: the placement of implant, the period of healing for the jawbone, and the construction of restoration.

Types of Implants

There are different type forms of implants exists such as plate form, subperiosteal implant and root form implants.The most popular form of implant is the Root Implant. This type of implant is very effective and mirrors the size and shape of a patient’s natural tooth. This implant is as strong structurally as the original tooth’s root. Once the dentist applies the local anesthesia, he or she makes an incision in the gum in order to gain access to the jawbone. The bone is then prepared and the implant inserted into the jawbone with care and precision. Finally, the dentist stitches the gum and prescribes the appropriate medication. During the osseointegration step which lasts anywhere from three to eight months, the jawbone firmly attaches itself to the implant. Once the osseointegration is completed, the patient returns to the dental office where the implant is fitted with the new tooth.

As with any surgery, complications are rare, but can include infection, slight damage to nerves, and mild discomfort. Although very unlikely, infection of the gums or jawbone is a possibility and is treated through medication and/or antibiotics. Surgery to the upper or lower jawbone can result in mild nerve damage. Nerve damage typically subsides in several weeks, but can persist for longer periods of time. As the jawbone heals, patients may experience some discomfort, which can be tempered through medication. Discomfort usually subsides within 7-10 days.Given the proper care, dental implants could last 25 years or longer.